Anyone with Renal Disease can attest to how debilitating the disease can be to the body. Social Security Disability has a listing called Impairment of the renal function, the technical listing requires the following:
Renal impairment because of chronic renal disease expected to last 12 months, hypertensive vascular disease, chronic nephritis, nephrolithiasis, polycystic disease, bilateral hydronephrosis, with:
Chronic hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis necessitated by irreversible renal fialure; or
Kidney transplant
Persistent elevation of serum creatine in to 4 mg per deciliter(100 ml) or greater or reduction in creatinine clearance to 20 ml per minute or less over 3 months with one of the following:
1. Renal osteodystrophy manifested by sever bone pain and abnormalities shown by appropriate medical acceptable imaging; or
2. A clinical episode of pericarditis; or
3. Persistent motor or sensory neuropathy; or
4. Intractable pruritus; or
5. Persistent fluid overload syndrome resulting in diastolic hypertension or signs of vascular congestion;
6. Persistent anorexia with recent weight loss and current weight meeting the values in 5.08 Table III IV; or
7. Persistent hematocrits of 30 percent or less.
Renal disease is a very medical records specific listing. The medical records must be shown to reveal the technical information that the listing requires, along with the technical nature of this listing your side effects from the disease are very important as well. It is a good thing to keep a list of the activities, including daily activities that you can no longer to as a result of this disease. Your daily life and how your symptoms affect it will be very important to the Social Security Disability under this listing.
Should you need assistance in your claim for disability, please feel free to phone me toll free Monday through Friday at (877) 271-2633 or local at (615) 308-2633.
Daniel L. McMurtry, Esq.