It is a difficult thing to deal with Autism, it does not know any social class or age. There is a listing under Social Security Disability entitled Autistic disorder and other pervasive developmental disorders.
Autism is charaterized by qualitative deficits in the development of reciprocal social interaction, in the development of verbal and nonverbal communication skills, and in amaginative activity. Often, there is a markedly restricted rertoire of activiites and interests, which frequently are stereotyped and repetitive.
The required level of severity for these disorders is met when the requirements in both A and B are satisfied.
A. Medically documented finding of the following:
1. For autistic disorder, all of the following:
a. Qualitive deficits in reciprocal social interaction; and
b. Qualitive deficits in verbal and nonverbal communication and in imaginative activity; and
c. Markedly restricted repertoire of activities and interest;
2. For other pervasive developmental disorders, both of the following:
a. Qualtive deficits in reciprocal social interaction; and
b. Qualitive defecits in verbal and non verbal communication and in imaginative activity;
B. Resulting in at least two of the following:
1. Marked restriction of activities of daily living; or
2. Marked difficulties in maintaining social functioning; or
3. Marked difficulties in mainting concentration, persistence, or pace; or
4. Repeated episodes of decompensation, each of extended duration.
I have represented children with Autism, I understand how emotionally and financially heavy the strain can be, should your loved one be suffering from Autism please give me a call at any time Monday through Saturday at toll free (877) 271-2633 or local at (615) 308-2633, I would be pleased to speak with you.
Daniel L. McMurtry, Esq.