Lupus is a disabling diseases that is recognized by Social Security Disability under listing 14.02, you meet the listing if the following is true about your claim:
A. One of the following:
1. Joint involvement as described under the criteria 1.00; or
2. Muscle involvement as described under the criteria in 14.05; or
3. Ocular involvement as descibed under the criteria in 2.00ff; or
4. Respiratory involvement as described under the criteria in 3.00ff; or
5. Cardiovascular involvement, as described under the criteria 4.00ff or 14.04D;
6. Digestive involvement as described under the criteria in 5.00ff; or
7. Renal involvement as described under the criteria in 6.ooff; or
8. Hematologic involvement as described under the criteria 7.00ff; or
9. Skin involvement as described under the criteria in 8.00ff; or
10. Neurological involvement as described under the criteria in I 1.00ff; or
11. Mental involvement as described under the criteria in 12.00ff; or
B. Lesser involvement of two or more organs/body systems listed in paragraph A, with significant docuemnted constitutional symptoms and signs of sever fatigue, fever, malaise, and weight loss. At least one of the organ/body systems must be involved to at least a moderate severity.
Lupus affects everything from your skin and how you can tolerate sunlight, to joint pain and internal organs. In some cases Lupus affects are not apparant to the outside world, and thus these conditions need to be explained to the Social Security Disability department, and the judge at the hearing of your claim. Lupus can also be a difficult thing to diagnose, thus making it even more important to properly explain to Social Security.
Please give me a call Monday through Friday at toll free (877) 271-2633 or local at (615) 308-2633 to discuss your claim.
Daniel L. McMurtry, Esq.